Monday, July 9, 2012

The Princess

Hey guys! I'm Jhen, The Princess! Now, I don't really think of myself as a princess because... well, I just don't. But, The Geek insists I am, and he already named the blog so I can't do anything about that anymore. Haha! :)

Jhen, The Princess
I'm a bookworm, doodlebug, insomniac, and I like using smileys. Books, movies, music, makeup and shopping are what I'll probably write about most often. I like to fancy myself as some sort of creative, artistic person, so I might even share some of my drawings. But since I'm into trying new things nowadays, mostly because of Francis, expect some surprises every now and then! :)

This is my first venture into blogging. So I hope my love for reading and writing, and a little help from The Geek, makes this journey fun for me and the readers of this blog. Till my next post. Take care guys! :)

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