Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Geek Starts..

Hi! I'm Francis and I'm The Geek half of this blog. I'm a frustrated writer and blogger who likes a lot of things but can't seem to be good at articulating. I want to learn how to be a better writer.

I am opinionated on different subject matters like politics, environment, and current events. I am also a cook, a dancer, a photographer, a foodie, a board gamer, and a hopeless romantic.

My mind kind of lives in the moment so I think and talk about a lot of different things and so I think it would be good to just put it all into this blog with The Princess.

I will try to learn how to do good reviews of board games, apps, tech stuff, and food. I will share some of my photography works and my blogs. I will also give opinions on a lot of things and even post events that circle in my interests. Personal things will be shared too of course.

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