Monday, July 9, 2012

Blog Facelift

Hey guys! For those of you who first saw our blog, you may have noticed that it's had a recent makeover. And because of the apparent femininity in the colors and fonts chosen, obviously, The Geek had no say in what went down. He'll be so surprised when he sees it! :P

Our new look, courtesy of moi :>

Although I'm all for rainbows, I didn't really like how the blog looked (Sorry Francis!) so I decided to give it a facelift. But his is all temporary because this blog isn't just about me, it's about my Geek too! Maybe one of these days, when we're both not so busy with our own lives, we can give this blog a better and more permanent layout. I hope we decide keep the banner, though - I put a lot of extra but unnecessary effort into that! :)

Until next time. Take care! :)


  1. The layout might've been better, if you divide it into two sides, one for the princess, and the other for the geek. Haha.. Kudos!

    1. hehe! that would be nice.. but i don't know how to do that. can you teach? :P

  2. I'm also playing around with my layout, haven't made a permanent one yet. :)

    And the layout looks so.. princess. Where's the geek? Haha!

    1. Hahaha! I know right? :P Well, time will tell. XD

    2. Hi Margo! I'll fix it, promise. :)
