Monday, September 10, 2012

A Gamer's Rant

So, there are actual people who find Western RPGs (character customizations and all that have mostly the same story with mostly point and click or active combat) better than the JRPGs (storyline based characters with mostly turn based combat). Sad.

Although, I have to admit. JRPGs suck the big one in their latest developments in their games. There's no more towns to go to. There's no more secret worlds or secret things to do. Yes, I am talking to you Square Enix. There's no more 108 characters to recruit. Yes, I am talking to you Konami!

But, I am more into the gameplay and storyline of it all. And when it comes to storyline, nothing beats an old school JRPG like Suikoden or Chrono Trigger.

Graphics-wise though the same line of gaming that Western RPGs have been always there and so graphics and gaming wise, they're almost always consistently developed.

Sadly today, people are going retro on most JRPGs as well that the iOS is actually filled with retro games, which actually is cool. Until, you realize that all of them are retro! No good game that has high quality graphics. Even Chaos Rings for me is like a, "I yield to the developers" kind of game because its not really how JRPGs are done. Where are the towns? Where are the people I can recruit? Where is that obnoxiously hard boss in the middle of the game that will feel so good to kill? Where are those winding maps that are so fun to explore and that's not so linear?

I will understand that new gamers will always fall in love with the Western style of RPGs but for the old gamers, I don't understand. I just hope one day, someone gets to bonk the heads of these JRPG developers and get back to something that was essentially what got us into gaming in the first place and do it on a scale that is worthy of using the graphics processor now and not the one 10 years ago.

Western RPGs, wait, just you wait..

P.S. I have to apologize for the bad syntax. This was just supposed to be a status update rant in Facebook when it escalated to an actual blog post with more than four paragraphs.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Geek Plays: Cut the Rope

Holding up my output for thesis!
This part is all about the games that I play, which are mostly iOS games. I already have materials for this but it took some time before I got to post because of my impending thesis defense that finished just this Wednesday. Other than the post-thesis requirements and for all intents and purposes, I am officially graduating! Finally!

Om Nom, that cute, little creature
Cut the Rope is one of the cutest games in the iOS that was developed by ZeptoLab. This game is highly addictive because it gradually tests your logic, physics, and motor skills especially as the levels progress and the objectives get harder. It is plain and simple actually.

A pile of candy
A box was delivered to the door of a scientist. The box only had a note saying, "Feed with Candy". Inside the box, a cute, little creature named Om Nom appeared and all you have to do in the game is really feed it candy.

Get that star!

Feed it! (in the Ghost Box)
Three stars per level (4 if you have superpowers; optional)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Opinionated Geek

This is a repost with some edits of my Facebook status this morning. I just want to say that I was able to hold the line and defend my thesis (no matter how poorly) against Dr. Sibayan, Mr. Mariano, and Ms. Diaz! All OrgComm and CommArts students from DLSU-M know what I'm talking about. I'm finally graduating and, now, I can fully say these opinions.

In light of the RH Bill, the argument raised by losing a child due to the use of contraceptives should not lead you to becoming anti-RH bill. The RH bill aims to actually educate you with all aspects pertaining to reproduction. This means that people will be educated on the use of contraceptives, among other things, and learn why, how, and what to use each for. This is exempting the actual fact that contraceptives before were a new development and not as stable as the products that are developed now. Elaborating on this, other facts excluded here is that there is no scientific evidence that points out that using contraceptives causes birth defects and that this argument has been stated before but has been exaggerated to a proportion with tears and proses by this politician.

It looks like politics can be a performance art and he can be nominated for best actor as an antagonist of a show called "Pro-Life and its Education". (If this really works, maybe actors should really become politicians, huh? I apologize for the hell of sarcasm here.)

Moreover, educating the general population about reproduction will also help in reducing the mindset that is set on the masses that the better chances at success is having so much children aside from the other misconceptions.

On the other hand, this senator that is a so-called prolife advocate should apologize for plagarizing his speech from a US blogger and directly translating to Filipino a speech from a US politician.

Lastly, this bill and the issues that come along with it have to start ending soon so that we can actually move forward and develop a better economy. This is not discounting the fact that the RH bill will actually help boost our economy.

To the big church against the RH bill, can you have any other tactic than scaring the general population about things you are against because you have been doing that since the beginning of your stay here on Earth? The general population needs to be educated and all you do is hide behind your walls and robes scared that educating them is evil. If you aren't one of those people but part of the big church, don't be offended please.